Posted March 21, 2018 at 01:00 am

We're turning our eye today back to kitty specific charities, to an organisation that cares for the well-being of street cats as well as house cats all over the world! Plus, their name is delightfully assonant.

Alley Cat Allies!

They have a strong focus on no-kill policies in dealing with street cats, focusing instead on a Trap-Neuter-Return approach! Claire's 100% behind this.

Besides... you never know... that friendly neighbourhood cat could actually be a sentient amalgamation of pain, purified and reshaped by a bright red-haired cat lover. 

You just never know.

To follow on Claire's footsteps and help the abbey alley kitties, you can donate here!

Plus, a couple announcements:

We just put up the last few Livedraws on YouTube! So if you couldn't come, or if you're looking for answers to your burning questions, or you'd like to see Yamino work her magick, do check it out!

Moreover, we have a Livewrite tonight, at 7:30pm EST! It'll be part of the Bright Birthday Week, and it's sponsored by one of our lovely $45 patrons.
