We appreciate your patience with the slight wilding out that happened with our updates this week! As you know, I recently returned home from a long work trip, and my dazzling reentry (I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEEECKING BAAAAAAALL) has been wonderful but chaotic. The delays were my fault! It was I! A glorious menace!
I'm very excited to be back and writing the Missing Moments once more. Thank you again, as always, for your continued readership and endless support.
Hello, dear readers!
We appreciate your patience with the slight wilding out that happened with our updates this week! As you know, I recently returned home from a long work trip, and my dazzling reentry (I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEEECKING BAAAAAAALL) has been wonderful but chaotic. The delays were my fault! It was I! A glorious menace!
I'm very excited to be back and writing the Missing Moments once more. Thank you again, as always, for your continued readership and endless support.