Posted December 8, 2017 at 12:00 am

This isn't going according to Rosalie's plan.

Announcements, everybody: we have a Livedraw tonight at 8pm EST! Elena will be working on the November wallpaper, themed, accordingly to the Patreon Poll: Princesses Catharine and Oscar.

And don't forget everyone, there's two more weeks for submitting your Guest Art! We still have spots open, and we can't wait to see your guys' creations!


  1. No full frontal nudity.  Butts are fine!  So are wigs that cover the nips.
  2. No gore.
  3. In your email submission, please let us know how to tag you!  What do you want to be called? Is there anything you want linked such as your Tumblr or Deviantart?
  4. If your submission is multiple pages, please attach all pages to the same email.
  5. For dimensions, get the PSD template for Sister Claire here!  Get the JPEG template for Sister Claire here!
  6. We get many asks about this so: the font we use for the Missing Moments is IM FELL DW Pica, 17pt on Photoshop.
  7. The deadline for submissions is December 26th.
  8. Please email your submissions to admin (at) sisterclaire (dot) com!
  9. As for Original Characters: OCs are a-okay, as long as they feature alongside a canon character! OCs that have appeared in canon are considered canon as well.